Competition Winner!
Posted on 12th October 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under Competitions And Giveaways
Posted on 12th October 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under Competitions And Giveaways
Posted on 9th October 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards, Social Media Marketing Tips
Chatting on niche paper crafting forums is a great way to meet other paper crafters, get feedback for ideas, and also begin to build up some familiar faces on other social networks.
Posted on 28th September 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards, Social Media Marketing Tips
How to use twitter if you are panning to start promoting or selling your cards on the internet.
Posted on 25th September 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under All Papercraft Tutorials
We discovered 'Paper Matrix' earlier in the week and had to share a few of the amazing sculptures and templates they offer for making 3d paper gifts and decorations.
Posted on 13th September 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under All Papercraft Tutorials, Projects And Cards By Type, Kids Craft Ideas
Boo! Halloween is creeping up on us!
We've been busy hunting out some excellent halloween paper craft tutorials for you to make up.
Posted on 10th September 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards
Angel Policies can be very confusing but they are something that a card maker using stamps and die cuts and planning to sell handmade cards, should be aware of. If you are basing your business on these stamps and die cuts it's important to know that you are not breaching any copyright laws.
Posted on 3rd September 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards, Social Media Marketing Tips
Posted on 30th August 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under Papercraft Disciplines And Techniques, Papercut
Last week we were indulging in letterpress - this week we wanted to share some amazing papercut art from UK artists.
Posted on 27th August 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards
Selling face to face at a craft market is a great thrill. Having someone pick up one of your handmade cards and being able to explain to them exactly how it was made and your inspiration is a great feeling! Today we're focussing on the best ways to display handmade cards at a craft fair.
Posted on 23rd August 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under Papercraft Disciplines And Techniques, Letterpress, Printing Techniques